Sleep No More Wiki

Hecate's familiar, though only appears in human form.

Speakeasy Bartender

Notable feature[]

Wears black sleeve band on both arms.


The bartender appears many times in the street opposite the red witch, he holds up a picture of her then runs into the alley leaving confused townspeople to rush to look at the picture. A bit before the witches rave the tailor comes into the speakeasy and they have a confrontation in which the tailor shines the light into his eyes as if in an interrogation. following that the bartender returns to the bar and starts cleaning glasses but soon sets up three shots in rings of salt (these are just water) and begins to play a card game with the audience members around the bar. He shuffles some cards and has three people pull and drink. finally, he has a fourth person pull and if they get a jack he opens a box he has produced and gives them a glass of alcohol. directly after this the man witch gets in a fight in the bar and part way through the bartender intervenes by grabbing him and stuffing him in the cabinet. The bald witch then appears and advances on him. Just before the witches rave, the bartender sweeps through the funeral parlor and journalist room before leading an audience to the rave.

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